Súčasný zaneprázdnený životný štýl, technológie a sociálne siete nás vedú k individualizmu a osamelosti. Večery trávime s algoritmami, ktoré nám ponúkajú stále užšiu a užšiu časť reality. Čoraz viac sa podobáme na svoje bubliny. Rastú naše predsudky a intolerancia voči inakosti. Naše vzťahy sú krehké a zraniteľné. Stáva sa svet miestom, plným osamelých bublín?
Today's busy lifestyle, technology and social networks lead us to individualism and loneliness. We spend our evenings with algorithms that offer us a narrower and narrower part of reality. We are becoming more and more like our bubbles. Our prejudices and intolerance towards otherness are growing. Our relationships are fragile and vulnerable. Is the world becoming a place full of lonely bubbles?
Today's busy lifestyle, technology and social networks lead us to individualism and loneliness. We spend our evenings with algorithms that offer us a narrower and narrower part of reality. We are becoming more and more like our bubbles. Our prejudices and intolerance towards otherness are growing. Our relationships are fragile and vulnerable. Is the world becoming a place full of lonely bubbles?